Automated reporting from Google Ad Manager without the pain (or the cost)

Introducing Ocelot Metrics for Google Sheets

Automated Ad Manager reporting

Pull Ad Manager and Ad Exchange reports into Google Sheets, without the drudgery of manual processes or copy/paste.

Scheduled reports

Hourly scheduling means your reports are always kept up to date with the very latest data, even while you sleep.

Google Data Studio reporting

Use your Google Sheets as an automatically-updating data source for Google Data Studio, without paying for Ad Manager 360.

Share your reports

Share reports and analysis with your team with the built-in sharing functionality of Google Sheets and Google Data Studio.


See how quickly you can run, schedule, and create reports.

Get your launch discount

Ocelot Metrics is available on the G Suite Marketplace for US$49/month.

Enter your details below and we'll send you a coupon for 50% off your first month.